Mainframe Training Overview
The course will concentrate on the operational aspects of the Parallel Sysplex environment. The student will learn about the hardware/software components that constitute a parallel sysplex and the operator functions needed to manage it. Particular attention will be given to the commands necessary to collect information about the status of the sysplex and associated recovery considerations.
Course is designed for Computer Operators to manage a Parallel Sysplex. It will include recovery procedures for subsystems, as well as what procedures to follow when a coupling facility rebuild is required.
Basic understanding of the OS/390 Operating System, CICS/DB2/VTAM/MVS/JES2 Commands. Working knowledge of the Hardware Master Console.
5 days
Mainframe Training Audience
Mainframe Training Prerequisites
Mainframe Training Course duration
Mainframe Training Course outline
SYSPLEX Overview
What is a Sysplex?
Operator Functions
Features and Components
Concepts and architecture
Compare the differences between a base Sysplex and parallel Sysplex
Describe the purpose of the Coupling Facilities three Structure forms (Lock, Cache and List)
Describe the various Coupling Facility options and their implementations.
Review the software concepts of resource versus data sharing through a Coupling Facility
Discuss configuration choices and potential impact on performance
Planning for a Sysplex
Identify the required hardware and software components that make up a Parallel Sysplex and describe their function
List the factors that will impact the size of Coupling Facility storage needed in the Parallel Sysplex
Examine tools and options for sizing a Coupling Facility
Describe the reasons for using a stand-alone Coupling Facility vs an LPAR between systems
Understand dynamic CF expansion and dynamic CF dispatching mechanisms
Defining a sysplex
Describe the requirements for implementing a Coupling Facility and a Structure within it
Describe the functions performed by the Coupling Facility channels (Receive and Send) and how they need to be defined through Hardware Configuration Definition
List the required data sets for a Sysplex and the purpose of each
Indicate the steps necessary to create Sysplex-required data sets
SYSPLEX Operation
Parallel Sysplex Operator Commands
Shutting Down MVS System
IPL of Systems in a Parallel Sysplex
Coupling Facility Considerations in a Parallel Sysplex
Basic SYSPLEX Recovery
Sysplex Failure Management
Automatic Restart Management (ARM)
Couple Data Set Management
XCF Management
Managing JES2 Recovery
Controlling a SYSPLEX
Managing JES2
Tape Sharing Operations
Managing Consoles
System Logger Considerations
SYSPLEX Workflow Considerations
Workload Balancing
Role of Workload Manager
Subsystem Considerations
Network Implications
CICS Operational Considerations
DB2 Operational Considerations
Subsystem "plexes" and their functions
Useful Operator Commands