Database and System Administrators or other technical personnel involved in
the planning, implementing and manageing of DB2 databases in a Linux
To successfully participate in this class students should be:
4 days
Class will be hands-on, lab oriented with students performing various tasks to
exercise and reinforce material covered. Access to individual computers with
instances of DB2 for Linux should be available for each student in order to
effectively participate and complete the lab problems.
This should not be the first DB2 experience for the student.
Course duration
Course outline
I. Overview of DB2 on Linux
A. Basic processing capabilities and components
B. Installation process and parameters
C. Command Line Processor and GUI Interfaces
D. Database Administration Server (DAS) overview
E. The DB2 on Linux environment
F. Primary features of a DB2 instance
G. Creating and Dropping a DB2 Instance
H. Using the db2start and db2stop commands
I. Modifing Database Manager configurations
II. Creating and Placing Databases and Files
A. Planning considerations for database and file creation
B. System catalog tables and views
C. Database Managed Spaces (DMS) vs System Managed Spaces (DMS) vs
Automatic table spaces
D. Table spaces, Containers, Extents and Pages
E. Defining a table space
F. Obtaining a snapshot of a tablespace
G. Obtaining and interpreting table space statistics
H. Database configuation parameters
III. Database Object Creation
A. DB2 object hierarchy, physical structures and files
B. Creating Schemas, Tables, Views, Indexes and Alias’
C. Table Partitioning concepts, purpose and use
D. Using Temporary Tables
E. Check Constraints, Triggers and Referential Integrity
F. Large Object processing
G. Using XML in DB2 for Linux
IV. Working with DB2 Data
A. Moving data using Import, Export and Load
B. Exception tables
C. Identify pending Table States such as Load Pending and Set Integrity Pending
D. dbmove and dblook commands
E. Backup and recovery options for data
F. Logging for backup and recovery
H. Restoring a database to various restore points
I. Configuration parameters associated with backup and recovery
V. Locking and Data Concurrency
A. Locking concepts and facilities in DB2
B. Objects that may be locked and how
C. Lock modes and compatibility
D. Locking levels in DB2
E. Isolation level and lock time
F. Lock conversion and escalation
G. Deadlocks - causes and avoidance
VI. Problem Determination
A. Information requirements and collection for problem resolution
B. Using the error logs
C. Snapshtp, Event, Activity and Health monitors
D. Using EXPLAIN in problem determination and analysis
E. Commands to assist with connections and sessions
F. How to obtain and interpret statistics related to a running DB2 session
VII. DB2 Security
A. DB2 access control mechanisms
B. Using group ids in DB2 security
C. Level Based Access Control (LBAC)
D. Database and System privileges
E. Binding and Executing package privileges
F. Explicit vs Implicit privileges
G. DB2 authorization levels