Mainframe Training Overview
This course is a combination of lecture, discussion and hands-on lab sessions.
This course is for entry level programmers or experienced information processing personnel who need an in-depth knowledge of JCL (Job Control Language).
Participants should have a good working knowledge of data processing fundamentals.
3 days
First, an overview of JCL is given which describes the purpose of JCL, its relationship to the operating system, and the format / rules for coding.
Then, the JOB, EXEC and DD statements are covered extensively.
The purpose and use of each statement is described in detail; along with many parameters available to provide information to the operating system.
Procedures and several commonly used IBM utilities are covered in detail.
Recognize, analyze & correct typical ABENDs "caused" by JCL "errors".
Mainframe Training Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course, each student will be able to -
Mainframe Training Audience
Mainframe Training Prerequisites
Mainframe Training Course duration
Mainframe Training Course outline
Day 1 - JCL Basics
Day 2 - Utilities
Day 3 - JCL Procedures
Appendix A - JCL Summary
Appendix B - JES Listing COBOLCLG
Appendix C - JCL Assessment
Appendix D - Model JCL Statements
Appendix E - Basic JCL Exercises
Appendix F - Utility Exercises
Appendix G - PROC exercises
Appendix H - The Final Workshop
Appendix I - Instream PROCs
Appendix J - ICETOOL
Appendix K - Other SORT Examples
Appendix L - JCL Errors to fix
Appendix M - Calc Disk Space